Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Honey Bee Update

Our hives are doing amazingly well here at Grandview Farm! These were taken on a really warm day last weekend and you can only see a small portion of the activity going on here. There were hundreds of bees flying to and from the hives all day!
All the hives except one needed more space so we added a deep super for the queen to lay more brood. The hives have all had honey supers added to them also. We hope this will keep them busy. The closest hive in this photo is even working on a comb honey super since they are so prolific. Comb honey is not usually produced in a hives first year.

Since it was so warm some of the bees did not want to be inside the crowded and hot hive. These girls are hanging out in the shade of the hive (maybe avoiding work??).

Here is a snapshot of a comb honey frame dripping with honey! The entire 9 frames were drawn out with wax and filled with honey in only 2 weeks! We even got a little taste before replacing the frame so the bees can go to work capping it over.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! They have been busy bees! Ibet your taste was so good. Can't wait till there is enough for others to have a taste. Glad they are doing so well. And tell your Dad he looks really cool.


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